Femininity is rich, unpredictable and joyful, and it has always inspired our house. We celebrate femininity in a thousand ways, during the creative process and when our jewellery is worn by our female ambassadors.
Maison De Greef Magazine – Issue #4
What's new in the world of luxury? In this issue, we tell you a bit more about the colours of natural gemstones and pearls and about our specific quality criteria for the selection of diamonds. We also meet Sophie Helsmoortel, new president of BEL, and Jean-Marc Montroué, new CEO of Panerai. We wish you a scintillating 2019!
Maison De Greef Magazine – Issue #3
Even though it feels as if everything slows down a bit in summer, time still determines our lives. Everything about the watch market, time zones, a personal story and shopping: watch this. Credits photo: Etienne Girardet 'Unsplash'.
Maison De Greef Magazine – Issue #2
Femininity is rich, unpredictable and joyful, and it has always inspired our house. We celebrate femininity in a thousand ways, during the creative process and when our jewellery is worn by our female ambassadors.
Maison De Greef Magazine – Issue #1
Living with its time, Maison De Greef creates Maison De Greef Magazine, a selection of themes that reflect our universe and your interests. In this first issue, we offer you an immersion in our renovated shop, an interview with Lionel Rigolet, chef and owner of Comme Chez Soi**, a behind-the-scenes look at how the Tudor watch strap is made and the four reasons to discover our exclusive Patek Philippe space.